Do you have old furniture and want to fix it? Or are you bored with the furniture you have? If this happens to you, you need to know some painting furniture tips.

Yes, you can paint your furniture to make it look new. However, you shouldn’t press it carelessly so it doesn’t look horrible. The following is a review of 5 painting furniture tips that are easy to apply:

1. Prepare Your Furniture Piece

An important step for painting furniture is to prepare a piece of furniture properly. You can start by cleaning your furniture by removing dust and dirt.

Then, you don’t always have to sand it before painting. If you want a smooth and glossy finish, you will need to sand it. Meanwhile, if you want a more weathered finish, you can skip the sanding step.

2. Choose The Right Type of Paint

One of the painting furniture tips is to choose the best type of paint. It is because there are many factors to determine the type of paint you can use. For example, what kind of look you want to achieve, the costs you have, and the condition of your furniture.

Then, you also need to know if there are many different paint brands and each painting has a unique finish. Therefore, you should start looking for different types of paint, paint brands, and the final result. It will be to make it easier for you to choose paint for your furniture.

3. Use High-Quality Paint Brushes

Avoid buying the cheapest brushes as they are of poor quality. The bristles will stick to the furniture and leave horrible brush marks. So, you will not get a smooth paint finish.

Therefore, buy a quality brush even if the price is a little more expensive. However, they are durable and you can get a smoother finish. Moreover, if you want to paint a large smooth surface, use a small foam roller for a very smooth finish.

4. Brushing Less and Less Paint

You’re better off brushing less than brushing too much. Then, the less paint on each layer, the better the results. This is because if you brush an area repeatedly, the result will be rough. This is because your brush will drag the paint as it starts to dry.

Then, you need to brush your first coat and let it dry. If you try to brush more, you’ll create more brush strokes and a stickier mess. Then, add two to three coats of lighter paint to give it a beautiful finish.

5. Protect Your Paint Finish

It is very important to protect your finish after doing all the painting work. For example, if you use cotton paint, you need to protect it with a topcoat. Also, you should protect the surfaces of tabletops, shelves, or other furniture surfaces that will have objects on them with a sealer.

This is because the sealer will make the final furniture look perfect longer. Then, after your furniture is dry, don’t use it immediately because the paint is still easily scratched. Treat your furniture with care during the first few weeks.

Those are 5 painting furniture tips that are easy for you to do so that the final result is perfect. However, of course, it requires your patience and patience. If you don’t have much time to do it and are looking for high-quality and good furniture, you can call or fill out our contact form.

Posteak Furniture is an established Indonesia furniture manufacturer and exporter based in Jepara since 1997. We provide buyers with a broad range of solid teak wood furniture, from outdoor furniture and indoor furniture.
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